সোমবার, ১১ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৯

প্যারাগ্রাফ লেখার সহজ নিয়ম।


৫ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখে লিখুন ১০০ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ... ইমারজেন্সি পরিস্থিতির জন্য অর্থাৎ পরীক্ষায় প্যারাগ্রাফ কমন না পরলে তখন কাজে আসবে ...তাছাড়া স্টুডেন্টরা সাধারণত প্যারাগ্রাফ মুখস্ত করে ...
এই প্যারাগ্রাফ গুলো শিখলে নিজ থেকে বানায় লেখার চেষ্টা করবে ...

NB. [ There is only common sentences. So you have to acquire some knowledge on those ➫ [ TOPIC ] ]
➫ [ TOPIC ] এর স্থানে আপনার কাঙ্ক্ষিত প্যারাগ্রাফটির নাম লিখুন ...

All Kinds Of Social Problems
প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
[1. Copying in the examination 2. Enviornment Pollution 3. Air pollution 4. Terrorism in the campus 5. Terrorism 6. Black marketing 6. Unadult marriage 7. Traffic jam 8. Load-shedding 9. Hartal day 10. Road accident 11. Drug addiction 12. Dangerous of smoking 13. Arsenic Pollution 14. Conspiracy 15. Brain-drain 16. Gambling 17. Dacoity 18. Anarchy 19. Bribery 20. Black money 21. Child labour 22. Deforestation 23. Acid throwing 24. Superstition 25. Corruption 26. Political chaos 27. Women & child trafficking/torturing 28. Toll-extortion 29. Population problem 30. Conspiracy]

➫ [ TOPIC ] is a great and harmful problem. It is not only a common matter for our own country but also for the other countries too. ➫ [ TOPIC ] destroying our social peach and happiness. Day by day it is going out of our control which is very alarming. Keeping this problem we can not imagine our peace and happy life. Though ➫ [ TOPIC ] is very tough to remove this problem totally from the society but we have to try at any cost. Without removing this acute problem people can’t get relief. Everybody wants a good solution for this problem. Beside govt. should come forward to overcome this problem. The law forces agencies should arrest them who are creating this kind of problem. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is possible to remove by creating public awareness. So we should be more active to get a better solution.
All Kinds Of Good Qualities
প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
[1. Bravity 2.Valu of time 3.Honesty 4.Discipline 5.Perseverance 6.Confidence 7.Politeness 8.Ambition 9.Glorious mind 10.Optimism 11.Hopefulness 12.Talent 13.Selp-help 14.Truthfulness 15.Courtesy 16.Friendship 17.Labour 18.Education 19.Patriotism 20.Character 21.Good manner 22.Popularity 23.Dignity 24.Love 25.Integrity 26.Punctuality 27.Kindness 28.Liberty 29.Dutifulness 30.Self-reliance 31.Obedience 31.Faithfulness 32.Modesty 33.Industry 34.Co-operation 35.Personality 36.Intellectuality 37.Humanity 38.Gratitude 39.Moral courage 40.Contenment 41.Common sense 42.Charity 43.Diligence 44.Tolerance 45.Self-criticism 46.Self-reliance 47.Civic-sence 48.Cleanliness]

➫ [ TOPIC ] is the most valuable and powerful element of our success in life. It enriches self-confidence of our running life. If we want to reach of our aim we must attain such quality. It is need to have for mental faculty. ➫ [ TOPIC ] can bring out reward for human beings. It is important to have ➫ [ TOPIC ] to retain the existance of human beings. Without ➫ [ TOPIC ] anybody can not achieve anything great and glorious. A man can lose his prestigious life for its absence. Most of the greatest persons have gained success by it. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is a kind of knowledge which thing no training can teach. ➫ [ TOPIC ] broadens our outlook. Therefore we should have this quality at any cost.
All Kinds Of Scientific Things
প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
[1. Dish Antenna 2. Satellite 3. Mobile Phone 4. Cellular Phone 5. Internet 6. Computer 7. E-mail/Fax 8. Electricity 9. Credit Card 10. Money Gram 11. Aeroplane]

We live in the age of science and technology. With the help of science and technology we have invented many wonderful things. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is one of them. It is the blessing of science for the world. Today we can enjoy various objectives of the world through ➫ [ TOPIC ] . It brought the remotest places of the world on hand. It has some exceptional power. We should use this techonology properly. We can widen our knowledge by it in different fields. ➫ [ TOPIC ] gives us a lot of opportunities and it mainly influence more on young generation. As every things has its both negative and positive side so ➫ [ TOPIC ] has also two sides and we should use only positive sides which provide us useful knowledge.
All Kinds Of Hobbies
প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
[1. Writing poem 2. Singing song 3. Keeping a diary 4. Catching fish 5. Jogging 6. Aboat race 7. Collecting stamps 8. Travelling 9. Swimming 10. Gardening 11. Fishing 12. Boating 13. Reading habit 14. Playing chess 15. Jocking 16. Writing letter 17. Painting 18. Buying things 19. Flying kite 20. Early rising 21. Morning walk 22. Amusement 23. Buying books]

➫ [ TOPIC ] is an interesting habit for stubborn life. By this kind of habit we can get rid of boring life. Everyone should have any kind of hobby. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is the shadow of life which gives us vast amusement. It can be a part and parcel of education and entertainment. Someone uses it for passing time. ➫ [ TOPIC ] causes some problems sometimes if we are not concern on working. ➫ [ TOPIC ] refreshes us not only physically but also mentally. To sum up we should have any kind of hobby. It can be entertainment or education for us.

All Kinds Of Great Personalities
প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
[1. Hazrat Muhammad (sm) 2. Sheikh Mujib 3. A Virtuous Man 4. Rabindranath Tagore 5. Nazrul Islam 6. Mothr Teresa 7. Influence of a great man 8. Your favourite player 9. Moulana Bhashini 10. Your favourite person/Friend 11. Your Mother/Father/Grand mother 12. A great Politician 13. The teacher you like most 14. Your ideal man 15. My pride/friend]

➫ [ TOPIC ] is considered as an ideal in my life. I like most him because of his wonderful activities beside his clear-cut and embeded character. His embeded personality could be impressed my heart. For this reason he is my favourite person. His views on society, love of humanity and duty to the every steps attract one a lot. His clarity of mind, uprightness of thought, golorious ideals, and simplicity of life make one his fan. I respect his creativity, speech and his responsibility. Man like ➫ [ TOPIC ] is very necessary for the state. Everyone should try to build up character, morality and personality like him. It is impossible to be a real person without responsibility, morality, embeded character and lofty ideals. For the peace and happiness we should follow him.

৫ টি করে ইংরেজি প্যারাগ্রাফ, রচনা,দরখাস্ত ও চিঠি শিখে লিখুন ১০০ টি করে করে ইংরেজি প্যারাগ্রাফ, রচনা,দরখাস্ত ও চিঠি। আপনাকে এখন আর শত শত Paragraph, Application, Letter, Email, Composition, CV ইত্যাদি মুখস্ত করার প্রায়োজন নেই। জাস্ট এখানে দেওয়া ফর্মুলা গুলো আয়ত্ত করলেই আপনি ইংলিশ Written Part এর যে কোন টপিক্স নিজেই লেখার দক্ষতা অর্জন করতে পারবেন … । ইমারজেন্সি পরিস্থিতির জন্য অর্থাৎ পরীক্ষায় প্যারাগ্রাফ, রচনা,দরখাস্ত ও চিঠি কমন না পরলে তখন কাজে আসবে ...তাছাড়া স্টুডেন্টরা সাধারণত প্যারাগ্রাফ মুখস্ত করে ...এই প্যারাগ্রাফ গুলো শিখলে নিজ থেকে বানায় লেখার চেষ্টা করবে ...
যে কোনো ইংরেজি পরীক্ষায় Part B : Written Part (40 marks) ও Composition Part (60 marks) ভালো করার জন্য সবচেয়ে সহজ পদ্বতি … আপনাকে আর পরীক্ষায় কমন পরা নিয়ে চিন্তা করা লাগবে না অর্থাৎ ইমারজেন্সি পরিস্থিতিতে বসে না থেকে খাতায় কিছু লিখে আসতে পারবেন। প্রায় স্টুডেন্টরা সাধারণত ইংলিশ Written Part এর টপিক্স গুলো মুখস্ত করে ...নিজ থেকে লেখার সাহস করে না , মুখস্তবিদ্যার উপর তাদের ভরসা থাকে ফলে ইংলিশ নিজ থেকে লেখার সৃজনশীলতা কমে আসছে। তাই এই ইংলিশে যে কোন অণুচ্ছেদ লেখার শর্টকাট পদ্বতি বা ফর্মুলা গুলো আয়ত্ত করে… নিজ থেকে বানায় লেখার প্রবণতা বৃদ্ধি করুন … এবং যে কোন পরিস্থিতিতে ইংলিশ লেখার আত্তবিশ্বাস অর্জন করুন … [মুখস্থবিদ্যা চিন্তাশক্তিকে অকেজো করে দেয়,তাই মুখস্থকে ‘না’ বলুন এবং সৃজনশীল পদ্ধতি গ্রহণ করুন। 


১টি Format দিয়ে ২৯টি Paragraph লিখুন।

নিচের  Paragraph গুলোর যে কোনটি লিখতে নিচের  format  টি ব্যবহার করা যাবে   এক্ষেত্তে শূন্যস্থানে সংশ্লিষ্ঠ paragraph  টির নাম লিখতে হবেঃ
1.      Value of time ( সময়ের মূল্য )                         16. Consciousness ( সচেতনতা )             
2.      Perseverance ( অধ্যাবসয় )                                      17. Integrity ( সাধুতা )
3.      Labor (  শ্রমের মর্যাদা )                                            18. Respect ( শ্রম)
4.      Honest intention (  সৎ উদ্দ্যেশ্য)                        19. Character ( চরিত্ত)
5.      Good manners ( সু-আচরণ )                            20. Modesty ( বিনয় )
6.      Punctuality ( সময়ানুবর্তিতা )                                   21. Courtesy ( শিষ্ঠাচার )
7.      Discipline ( শৃঙ্খলা )                                           22. Self-Reliance (    আত্ম-নির্ভরশীলতা )
8.      Dignity of labor ( শ্রমের মর্য্দা  )                     23. Politeness ( ভদ্রতা )
9.      Honesty ( সততা )                                           24. Integrity ( সাধুতা )
10.  Moral courage ( মনোবল)                                25. Truthfulness ( সত্যবাদিতা )
11.  Confidence ( আত্মমর্যাদা )                                 26. Dutifulness ( কর্তব্য )
12.  Patriotism ( স্বদেশ প্রেম )                                 27. Struggle ( কঠোর চেষ্টা )
13.  Self criticism ( আত্ম-সমালোচনা )                     28. Common sense ( বিবেক )
14.  Education (শিক্ষা)                                             29. Sacrifice ( ত্যাগ )
15.  Tolerance ( সহনশীলতা )
Everyone wants to be successful in life. This success depends much on (            ). It is a great virtue. It is the key to success. The man who acquires this great virtue can shine in life. The history inspires us to develop this virtue. The life and activities of all great men in the world are associated with this virtue. We can conquer everything in this world with developing this quality. The man who does not achieve this virtue becomes a curse to himself and to his family as well as to society. He leads very miserable life. His life becomes full of sorrows and sufferings. He always lags behind and suffers in the long run. In a word, the consequences of not acquiring this virtue are beyond description. On the other hand, he is praised and respected by all if he develops this great virtue. Therefore, we all should develop this virtue to be great in life.

১টি Formate দিয়ে ১৬টি Paragraph লিখুন

নিচের  Paragraph গুলোর যে কোনটি লিখতে নিচের  format  টি ব্যবহার করা যাবে   এক্ষেত্তে শূন্যস্থানে সংশ্লিষ্ঠ paragraph  টির নাম লিখতে হবেঃ

¯  Load shedding( বিদ্যুৎ বিভ্রাট)

¯  Traffic jam ( যানজট )

¯  Deforestation  (বন উজাড়করন)

¯  Road accident ( সড়ক দুর্ঘটনা)

¯  Coping in the examination ( পরিক্ষায় নকল)

¯  Campus violence  ( ক্যম্পাস সহিংসতা)

¯  Greenhouse effect ( গ্রিন হাউজ প্রতিক্রিয়া)

¯  Environment pollution ( পরিবেশ দূষণ)

¯  Air pollution ( বায়ুদুষন)

¯  Water pollution ( পানি দূষণ )

¯  Sound pollution (শব্দ দূষণ)

¯  Arsenic pollution (আর্সেনিক দুষন)

¯  Drug addiction (মাদকাশক্তি)

¯  Corruption (দুর্নীতি)

¯  Street children (পথ শিশু)

¯  Street beggar (পথের ভিক্ষুক)

       Nowadays (                   ) has become a great problem. It is increasing day by day. There are some causes behind this. The unconscious of people is one of the main causes of it (     ). There are some bad effects of it. In a work, the bad effect of  it  beggar description. At present, it is a matter of much anxiousness for the civil society like ours. It creates other problems too. We should realize that it is a great obstacle to our national development. We must also remember that if we fail to solve it at once, this problem may go out of control in near future. Therefore, this problem must be solved in any way. in addition, it is high time we solved it. Nevertheless, it is not possible for the government to solve this problem in single hand. We all must come forward to help the government so that government can easily solve this problem within shortest possible time. Therefore, necessary prompt steps must be taken. For this, awareness must  be  increased  as soon as possible.


JSC, SSC, HSC, DEGREE এবং বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতা মূলক পরীক্ষায় paragraph অংশের জন্য এ এক অভিনব কৌশল এটি। অসুবিধাজনক / খারাপ/ জনস্বার্থ বিরোধী/ ব্যক্তি কেন্দ্রিক সমস্যা/ সমাজ কেন্দ্রিক সমস্যা/ রাষ্ট্র কেন্দ্রিক সমস্যা যেমনঃ (drug addiction, road accident, environment pollution, load shedding, traffic jam, terrorism, dowry system, a hartal day, anti corruption, acid throwing, water pollution, air pollution, sound pollution, illiteracy problem, population problem, unemployment problem, to take bride, copying in examination, street accident) ইত্যাদি ক্ষেতে এই paragraph টির (*) মার্ক এর যায়গায় শুধু মাত্র paragraph এর নাম লিখে answer করলে হবে। উদাহরণ স্বরূপ Now load shedding is the burning question of our ……………………………….
Paragraph Name*
Now * is the burning question of our country. We get the news of * in the newspaper every day. * is a very serious problem. It is going out of control day by day. It makes problems of others. We cannot think a free life for it. It not only makes our lives boredom but also hamper our progress. The people have to suffer a lot. Everyone feels the problem. But none can solve it. The bad effect of* can be better understood than described. Most of the people are falling victim to this deadly curse. It demolishes peace in common life. It destroys the standard of social life. All want a good solution of this serious problem. Public opinion must be taken to solve this problem. The government as well as the conscious people can play a vital role in this regard. The police administration should be conscious and active. The problem should be solved very soon if we want to survive this problem. The government should take measure to control it. Besides all of us irrespective of caste, creed, color, religion and all ages should lunch a massive campaign against this problem.

Full paragraph হবে এ রকম :

                                                         Load Shedding

Now load shedding is the burning question of our country. We get the news of load shedding in the newspaper every day. Load shedding is a very serious problem. It is going out of control day by day. It makes problems of others. We cannot think a free life for it. It not only makes our lives boredom but also hamper our progress. The people have to suffer a lot. Everyone feels the problem. But none can solve it. The bad effect of load shedding can be better understood than described. Most of the people are falling victim to this deadly curse. It demolishes peace in common life. It destroys the standard of social life. All want a good solution of this serious problem. Public opinion must be taken to solve this problem. The government as well as the conscious people can play a vital role in this regard. The police administration should be conscious and active. The problem should be solved very soon if we want to survive this problem. The government should take measure to control it. Besides all of us irrespective of caste, creed, color, religion and all ages should lunch a massive campaign against this problem.


৫ টি ইংরেজী Paragraph শিখে লিখুন ১২৭ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ

এই পাঁচটি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখলে আশা করি পরীক্ষার যেকোনো প্যারাগ্রাফ আশুক না কেনো আপনে তা লিখতে পারবেন।

বি.দ্র:  প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো শিখার আগে প্রথমে প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো লিখার নিয়মগুলো জেনে নিন...?
১) যে প্যারাগ্রাফটি লিখবেন [TOPIC] স্থানে উক্ত প্যারাগ্রাফের নাম দিবেন।
২) ভাল নাম্বার আশা করতে চাইলে পারলে নিজ থেকে আরো বাড়িয়ে কিছু লিখতে চেস্টা করবেন।

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Copying in the examination
2. Environment Pollution
3. Air pollution
4. Terrorism in the campus
5. Terrorism
6. Black marketing
7. Unadult marriage
8. Traffic jam
10. Hartal day
11. Road accident
12. Drug addiction
13. Dangerous of smoking
14. Arsenic Pollution
15. Brain-drain
16. Gambling
17. Dacoity
18. Anarchy
19. Bribery
20. Black money
21. Child labour
22. Deforestation
23. Acid throwing
24. Superstition
25. Corruption
26. Political chaos
27. Women & child trafficking /torturing
28. Toll-extortion
29. Population problem
30. Conspiracy

➫ [ TOPIC ] is a great and harmful problem. It is not only a common matter for our own country but also for the other countries too. ➫ [ TOPIC ] destroying our social peach and happiness. Day by day it is going out of our control which is very alarming. Keeping this problem we can not imagine our peace and happy life. Though ➫ [ TOPIC ] is very tough to remove this problem totally from the society but we have to try at any cost. Without removing this acute problem
people can’t get relief. Everybody wants a good solution for this problem. Beside govt. should come forward to overcome this problem. The law forces agencies should arrest them who are creating this kind of problem. ➫[ TOPIC ] is possible to remove by creating public awareness. So we should be more active to get better solution.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Bravity
2.Value of time
9.Glorious mind
21.Good manner
39.Moral courage
41.Common sense

➫ [ TOPIC ] is the most valuable and powerful element of our success in life. It enriches self- confidence of our
running life. If we want to reach of our aim we must attain such quality. It is need to have for mental faculty. ➫[ TOPIC ] can bring out reward for human beings. It is important to have ➫ [ TOPIC ] to retain the existence of human beings. Without ➫ [ TOPIC ] anybody can not achieve anything great and glorious. A man can lose his
prestigious life for its absence. Most of the
greatest persons have gained success by it. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is a kind of knowledge which thing no training can teach. ➫ [ TOPIC ] broadens our outlook. Therefore we should have this quality at any cost.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Dish Antenna
2. Satellite
3. Mobile Phone
4. Cellular Phone
5. Internet
6. Computer
7. E-mail/Fax
8. Electricity
9. Credit Card
10. Money Gram
11. Aeroplane

We live in the age of science and technology. With the help of science and
technology we have invented many wonderful things. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is one of them. It is the blessing of science for the world. Today we can enjoy various objectives of the world through ➫[ TOPIC ] . It brought the remotest places of the
world on hand. It has some exceptional power. We should use this technology properly. We can widen our knowledge by it in different fields. ➫[ TOPIC ] gives us lot of opportunities and it mainly influence more on young generation. As every things has its both negative and positive side so ➫ [ TOPIC ] has also two sides and we should use only positive sides which provide us useful knowledge.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Writing poem
2. Singing song
3. Keeping a diary
4. Catching fish
5. Jogging
6. A boat race
7. Collecting stamps
8. Traveling
9. Swimming
10. Gardening
11. Fishing
12. Boating
13. Reading habit
14. Playing chess
15. Jocking
16. Writing letter
17. Painting
18. Buying things
19. Flying kite
20. Early rising
21. Morning walk
22. Amusement
23. Buying books

➫ [ TOPIC ] is an interesting habit for stubborn life. By this kind of habit we can get rid of boring life. Everyone should have any kind of hobby. ➫[ TOPIC ] is the
shadow of life which gives us vast amusement. It can be a part and parcel of education and entertainment.Someone uses it for passing time.➫[ TOPIC ] causes
some problems sometimes if we are not concern on working. ➫ [ TOPIC ] refreshes us not only physically but also mentally. To sum up we should have any kind of hobby. It can be entertainment or education for us.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ
1. Hazrat Muhammad (sm)
2. Sheikh Mujib
3. A Virtuous Man
4. Rabindranath Tagore
5. Nazrul Islam
6. Mothr Teresa
7. Influence of a great man
8. Your favourite player
9. Moulana Bhashini
10. Your favourite person/Friend
11. Your Mother/Father/Grandmother/Grandfather
12. A great Politician
13. The teacher you like most
14. Your ideal man
15. My pride/friend

➫ [ TOPIC ] is considered as an ideal in my life. I like most him because of his wonderful activities beside his clear-cut and embedded character. His embedded personality could be impressed my
heart.For this reason he is my favorite person. His views on society, love of humanity and duty to the every steps attract one a lot. His clarity of mind, uprightness of thought,glorious,ideals and
simplicity of life make one his fan. I respect his creativity, speech and his responsibility. Man like ➫[ TOPIC ] is very necessary for the state. Everyone should try to build up character, morality and personality like him. It is impossible to be a real person without responsibility,morality, embedded character and lofty ideals. For the peace and happiness we should follow him.
বিঃ দ্রঃ এই ওয়েব সাইট থেকে কোন লিখা কপি করলে অবশ্যই Source হিসাবে এই ওয়েব সাইটের নাম ভেদরগঞ্জ কোচিং সেন্টার এন্ড ট্রেনিং ইন্সটিটিউট উল্লেখ করতে হবে। 

কোন মন্তব্য নেই:

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ ভেদরগঞ্জ কোচিং সেন্টার এন্ড ট্রেনিং ইন্সটিটিউট পরিবারের পক্ষ থেকে।